Boysie Talks Business
Boysie Talks Business Podcast
I Cold Called 10 Coaching Businesses Today!

I Cold Called 10 Coaching Businesses Today!

You won't believe what happened on the phone

Welcome to Boysie Talks Business.

Where the goal is to get our business setup and ready to scale with social media!

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As some of you may know, I have recently rebranded.

Rather than offering business consulting, I am offering business development.

The difference is minor, but it makes all the difference…

Why the change?

Well I wanted to do something related more to sales and marketing!

While I am great a business operations and organization…

It is not even close to a passion of mine!

With this change came a burst of motivation to get everything ramped up again

So I beefed up my daily routine…

it’s getting beefy!

It doesn’t just include online engagement and content creation!

It also includes one of my favorite pastimes (lying)… cold calling!

Why Cold Calling?

Mainly because I’m great at it.

It’s what I’ve spent most of my career perfecting!

So, in an attempt to speed up the process, I decided a few per day would be great!

My career average is about 1 close every 40 calls or so…

Which would mean about one close per week at 10 calls per day!

That was just my theory.

What happened left me in awe!

black rotary dial phone on white surface
Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

How Did the Calls Go?

I can’t lie— it was difficult getting back into the rhythm.

I hadn’t made a cold call in almost 6 months!

So, I just dove in head first!

The first call I dialed was from this kind, older woman.

She answered the phone and basically waited for me to pitch her.

*fumbles through the pitch*

“I appreciate the offer, but I already have xyz.

It was clear that I hadn’t properly communicated my offer.

I quickly gave my appreciation for her sitting through that horrid pitch and moved on.

  • I noted the objection

  • I revised the verbiage of my pitch

  • I searched for more numbers to dial

After about 10 minutes, I had gotten more than 5 numbers to call.

I was motivated to nail them all—I was hype today!

The first number wasn’t in service.

The second number was the same thing…

In fact, every number I dialed was going straight to voicemail or didn’t exist!

It was as if an apocalypse came in and destroyed ALL of this business…

  • I stalked the socials

  • I visited webpages

  • I looked at blogs

Every single one was a vacant shell of a company!


How Could This Be?

Well, as the former CEO of a service-based business,

I can guess exactly what happened…

  • An awesome business idea came to fruition

  • The owner invested in the essentials (website, socials, newsletter, etc.)

  • They operated it under the “build it, and they’ll come.” mindset

  • No one came…

The End.

Running a business is HARD.

Hoping to get bailed out by a unicorn is even harder!

Plenty of these businesses had:

  • Highly experienced experts as owners

  • Great web pages and newsletters

  • An awesome business concept

Yet, 9 out of 10 were out of business.

It’s not about what you have or the quality of your website…

It’s about the quality of your online brand!

I’ve closed business without even needing a website…

If you want to learn how to build a brand that gets clients coming to you…

Sign up for the Boysie Talks Business Bootcamp today!

Over 90 days, I will be scaling my business alongside a few entrepreneurs!

Using strategies that have helped me generate over $7M in revenue since 2020.

The dream doesn’t have to take forever…

And it doesn’t have to be a lonely journey!

Whatever it takes for us to succeed, we WILL get it done!

Let’s level up our businesses today!

4 slots left!

If you want the details, email me at

Thanks for dropping by!

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Boysie Talks Business
Boysie Talks Business Podcast
This is a daily newsletter dedicated to easy, efficient entrepreneurship. It offers advice from me, an ex-CEO who scaled a company from $67k to $400k MMR the hard way.