Boysie Talks Business
Boysie Talks Business Podcast
EP. 25 How I Managed to Monetize Two Times on Social Media

EP. 25 How I Managed to Monetize Two Times on Social Media

A discussion on the fastest way to monetize a social media account

How can creators like us, who are new to building online businesses, who have high-value skillsets, how do we scale our monthly recurring revenue (MRR) to get us the freedom we desire? That is the question, and this newsletter will give you the answers. Be sure to subscribe if these are the type of answers you seek.

My name is Boysie Gordon, and welcome to Boysie Talks Business.

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Welcome to episode 25!

In the last episode, I discussed something exciting. I am working on a guide for people who wish to increase their sales outcomes!

  • More traffic

  • More customers

  • More repeat business

It doesn’t really matter what the desired outcome is.

I have generated about $7.2 Million in revenue since 2020 and…

Last episode, I shared some bonus content…

So check it out if you are interested.

Today, I want to talk about something we ALL crave but struggle to accomplish…


Some common misconceptions:

  • We need a high follower count

  • Our niche has to be lucrative

  • It takes years to accomplish

Hopefully, by the end of this, you will feel confident in your ability to monetize.

a group of different types of social media logos
Photo by Aman Pal on Unsplash

My Journey to Monetization

I started out on Instagram at the start of 2023.

I had picked up nature photography as a hobby and wanted to sell my work.

So, I began working on increasing my following and building a community.

  • Month 1 - 120 followers

  • Month 2 - 300 followers

  • Month 3 - 500 followers

  • … Month 6 - 1,000 followers

Every picture was getting a crazy amount of likes and comments.

It was at the 6-month mark that I felt it was the perfect time to monetize.

So, I started a campaign and posted my artwork for sale.

I’d end the year with 1,600 followers, 400 fans, and... $0 earned

What. Just. Happened.

I had almost 2,000 followers after a year, many of which were fans…

“Why weren’t they buying my work???”—I thought in frustration

It was time to move on…

My Business Consultancy

I started business consulting in November 2023.

I’ve changed my niche and business model well over 4 times.

Today marks the 152nd day of being in business…

80% of that time was spent in a similar fashion to my Instagram journey:

Hours of hard work put in with nothing to show for it.

I started this leg of my journey writing on Medium.

I wrote over 100 articles there, and while the pay was cool…

It was chump change in comparison to a minimum wage.

I grew to 600 followers before I finally made a breakthrough.

At the tail end of February 2023, I finally landed a client.

I Hired Help

I didn’t want to waste any more time.

I had proven my ability to do it on my own…

Now, I wanted to know exactly how I did it and create a system for it.

So I hired a coach!

Someone who had done it before…

Someone who was one or two steps ahead of me.

Not even two weeks into the coaching… I landed my second client!

AND they were paying me 10X what I earned from my first!

The Art of Monetization

There was a sad truth that I was forced to acknowledge…

I could have had this type of result from day one!

When I monetized the second time, it was on a new platform (X)!

I also had less than a quarter of the follower count as I did on Medium.

So what changed?

I Created a Sales Funnel

I created an organized process of communication.

  • My content would lead people to my profile…

  • My profile would lead people to my newsletter…

  • My newsletter would lead people to my meetings…

  • If my meetings went well, they would convert to clients!

This wasn't a revolutionary insight.

In fact, I had a funnel prior to this and it didn’t work.

So what was really different?

I Targeted the Right Audience

This was the turning point of my process.

I was targeting the wrong people with my previous content.

So, they would enter my funnel and never convert into customers.

Once I identified my ideal customer, everything else began to fall in line…

And all the lessons I had been learning since November became applicable!

Make sure you know who you are selling to, or you won’t be able to monetize!

Don’t be like me and wait!

If you would like to convert your followers into revenue ASAP, I have 2 April slots available (2/4 slots).

Just reply to this with “scale,” if you are interested.


Depending on how this week goes, these slots could both be taken.

I will keep everyone posted on availability!

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Boysie Talks Business
Boysie Talks Business Podcast
This is a daily newsletter dedicated to easy, efficient entrepreneurship. It offers advice from me, an ex-CEO who scaled a company from $67k to $400k MMR the hard way.