Boysie Talks Business
Boysie Talks Business Podcast
EP. 21 How Can You Instantly Build Authority That Takes 95% of People Months to Achieve?

EP. 21 How Can You Instantly Build Authority That Takes 95% of People Months to Achieve?

A conversation on authority and how to leverage yourself efficiently

How can creators like us, who are new to building online businesses, who have high-value skillsets, how do we scale our monthly recurring revenue (MRR) to get us the freedom we desire? That is the question, and this newsletter will give you the answers. Be sure to subscribe if these are the type of answers you seek.

My name is Boysie Gordon, and welcome to Boysie Talks Business.

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Welcome to episode 21!

In the last episode, I discussed how to approach sales if you don’t like sales/ selling. My sales philosophy has turned regular people into 6-figure salesmen within 90 days.

Today, I want to discuss building online authority. It’s probably the most sought-after thing for Internet businesses, outside of clients. Many creators (myself included) try to grow authority first, but what does that even mean?

What is Authority, Really?

Well, authority is actually a simple concept to understand.

Authority is believability… it’s TRUST.

It’s what answers the question, “Is it true what this person is saying?”

Think of it as a percentage of people who view your work and consider it valid.

So, if you want authority, your audience has to trust you.

And there are several ways to build it.

The 3 Types of Authority

In my opinion (for social media purposes), there are only 3 types of authority!

  • Life authority—strongest but most neglected

  • Niche authority—easiest to get, but most don’t

  • Follower authority—weakest but most prioritized

These 3 forms of authority are listed in order of importance and chronologically.

I believe understanding these 3 is the key to growing authority fast.

Life Authority

  • I have started 2 companies from scratch, and I’m only 27.

  • I scaled my first one to $2.5M annual revenue before dissolving it.

  • I was fired from my first-ever job and was making six figures within a year.

  • I run an online business consultancy that helps others grow their businesses.

These are a few of my greatest accolades,

Each one carrying an abundance of lessons and … TRUTH.

Stories and content based on real-life experiences carry the most authority.

This should be the starting point for any professional with a high-value skill.

I honestly have no clue why this is often neglected.

  • Could be pride

  • Could be imposter syndrome

  • Could be a lack of awareness

Regardless, it is the strongest of the authorities.

Niche Authority

  • What is the name of this podcast/newsletter?

  • Do you know what my content is about?

  • Does it feel like I’m talking to you?

This is niche authority.

It’s as simple as finding a corner of the conversation and providing value.

This one is a great starting point for people without any life authority.

Write about one thing for one person for as long as possible.

As you begin to grow, awareness of your expertise will spread.

The only requirement is continuous education in whatever niche you choose.

And eventually as you build within that niche, your life authority will catch up.

I think this one goes under the radar, as most people talk too much about multiple things to quickly build authority. If speed is the desired result, just stick to one thing for a really long time (passion helps).

Follower Authority

  • I have 1,660 followers on my Instagram

  • I have 790 followers on my Medium

  • I have 175 followers on my 𝕏

Guess which one earns me the most money and has booked the most meetings.

Here are my earnings:

  • Instagram (1.5 years): $0 (I tried selling my photography and no one bought)

  • Medium (5 months): $492.37 (79% of this is from publishing rigorously)

  • 𝕏 (2 months): $500—$1,500 (The deal is 50% result-based)

These are my earnings.

Point is, followers don't make the authority.

If they did, I’d be killing it on Instagram.

I closed my high-ticket deal on 𝕏 using the first two types of authority.

You don’t need followers, you need to leverage your niche and experiences!

It only took me 49 days to land a client on 𝕏, and it’s all because of my authority!

If you need help implementing this strategy or would like to start landing clients ASAP, I have 2 slots for April up for grabs (2/4 slots available).

Just reply to this with “scale,” if you are interested.

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Boysie Talks Business
Boysie Talks Business Podcast
This is a daily newsletter dedicated to easy, efficient entrepreneurship. It offers advice from me, an ex-CEO who scaled a company from $67k to $400k MMR the hard way.