Boysie Talks Business
Boysie Talks Business Podcast
EP. 18 My First Day on the Job, I Cried in the Bathroom

EP. 18 My First Day on the Job, I Cried in the Bathroom

A discussion on how to make impact through vulnerability (plus, sharing the story of my first sales job)

How can creators like us, who are new to building online businesses, who have high-value skillsets, how do we scale our monthly recurring revenue (MRR) to get us the freedom we desire? That is the question, and this newsletter will give you the answers. Be sure to subscribe if these are the type of answers you seek.

My name is Boysie Gordon, and welcome to Boysie Talks Business.

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Welcome to episode 18!

In the last episode, I discussed hiring or contracting talent. Most successful businesses start out with a small team, and once they hit their stride, they are forced to expand rapidly.

Most people think of hiring or outsourcing as the solution…

And it is, but if done incorrectly can become a long-term problem.

Make sure to get an idea of the intangibles before finalizing the deal.

That goes for clients, contractors, and employees…

Today, I want to explore my favorite part of thought leadership and content marketing… vulnerability. It is so often overlooked! People want to maintain a perfect outward appearance, but the only thing that’s perfect is AI.

Do you want to be put in the same box as a computer?

This is especially bad for a brand if that computer is masquerading as a human!

Insert Vulnerability

This is why being vulnerable is a requirement for personal branding success.

It brings you down to eye level for someone who looks up to you.

“Oh, you’re just like me!”

This gives people hope. I hope that even though they aren’t successful or have the same things as you, they can get to where you are.

I mean, isn’t that the whole reason that you are offering your services?

To get people to where you are or at least closer to where you are?

I leverage my vulnerability as

  • proof of my transparency

  • proof of my humanity

  • proof of my growth

All these things build a level of trust with my audience that can’t be stolen or replicated. My vulnerability shows people my uniqueness, and I play on it regularly in my content.

The stories are memorable and can leave a lasting impact on others!

This story I told to my client turned into a lesson for her…

My Client Needed My Vulnerable Story

It was day 1 of us working together.

We were both excited to get started and make progress, so I quickly began diagnosing her situation and devising a strategy.

Her biggest problem was traffic conversion.

She had hundreds of people eying her work daily, but she never turned it into clients. So, I gave her a strategy to help with that.

It involved a dirty word… sales.

There was hesitancy in fully accepting certain parts of the process. Especially parts where she’d be on a call with prospective clients face-to-face!

So, to calm the nerves a bit, I told her the story about my first day in sales…

My First Day on the Job, I Cried in the Bathroom

Yes, this is true.

I could see a little bit of shock come over her face. It was then followed by confusion…

“But you are so good at sales… I mean, you sold me!” —I could read her mind

So, I began to tell her the story.

I have always been an introvert, and sales was foreign to me.

I had never put myself out there like that.

But I wanted to do well on the job…

So, I started trying to sell the best I could.

No after no. Stare after stare. Rejection after rejection.

The little bit of confidence I had was snapped into a million pieces.

It got so bad that the people I was trying to pitch started to give me sales advice!

“You should speak more confidently.”

“You need to smile more.”

“Make sure you fix your posture.”

I know they were trying to help… but all I heard was

“You suck at this, man.”

“Why did you even pick this job.”

“Maybe you should just go back to school.”

I needed a moment. I turned to my supervisor at the time and told him I had to go to the bathroom. I’m sure he knew what I was about to do.

“AGHHHHHHHHHH!!!”— I let out my frustration *punches air while crying*

“Why can’t you get this!? What is wrong with you!?”—I judged myself in a mirror.

*door opens*

*I quickly wipe my face and start washing my hands*

As I wash my hands, I look at myself in the mirror.

“You are about to kill this sh*t!”—I think to myself

I have no clue what happened, but I just flipped the switch.

I walked out that bathroom with the swagger of a billionaire,

And I never looked back…

That moment scaled me to where I am now!

Don’t be afraid to share your moments of weakness. It does not show people that you are weak. In fact, it shows people just how strong you are. Admitting your imperfections over a loudspeaker is something only a secure person can do.

Thanks for stopping by!


If you need help leveraging your experience to add clients, just email, we can hop on a free strategy call and talk it over.

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Boysie Talks Business
Boysie Talks Business Podcast
This is a daily newsletter dedicated to easy, efficient entrepreneurship. It offers advice from me, an ex-CEO who scaled a company from $67k to $400k MMR the hard way.