Boysie Talks Business
Boysie Talks Business Podcast
EP. 12 It's Time We Got Honest About Work-Life Balance

EP. 12 It's Time We Got Honest About Work-Life Balance

A conversation about unlocking the full potential of our actions

How can creators like us, who are new to building online businesses, who have high-value skillsets, how do we scale our monthly recurring revenue (MRR) to get us the freedom we desire? That is the question, and this newsletter will give you the answers. Be sure to subscribe if these are the type of answers you seek.

My name is Boysie Gordon, and welcome to Boysie Talks Business.

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And welcome to episode 12!

In the last episode, we talked extensively about social media funnels. I shared the details of my own along with my suggestions and strategies for starting a new one.

Today, I am starting a little late. It’s currently 10:19pm for me, and I plan on completing all my work before 11:00 pm. This reflection has enlightened me that others may see me as crazy or overly dedicated. So, in this episode, I want to discuss a dirty world… work-life balance.

This is my radical philosophy on it.

Work-Life Balance is a Dangerous Myth

Every so often, I hear people talk about this work-life balance phenomenon.

I never entertain the conversations because I know the truth. I just laugh and shake my head. Could I be doing the world a disservice by not challenging the belief? Sure.

But the truth is, I don’t really care all that much to change the societal opinion. When people get home from work, they want to take that time to relax, enjoy a glass of wine, and forget about work…

Forget about work?

Why would I want to do that when I love what I do?

Plus, if 95% of people (yes, that’s my default societal number) are literally taking a break from working, that means I can always have an advantage!

I simply have to accomplish my daily objectives, and I’ll automatically beat most people. Combine that with my daily desire to improve, and BOOM…

Winner winner chicken dinner.

There Shouldn’t Be Separation

Here’s the breakdown of what I assume is an average day for most single-working citizens:

  • 8 hours of sleep (16 hours left)

  • 9 hours of work (7 hours left)

  • 1 hour of commute (6 hours left)

  • 1 hour of dinner (5 hours left)

5 hours free to do whatever.

What do most people do with that time?

Well, considering that the average time spent on the phone worldwide is 4+ hours…

I’m sure that’s a big chunk.

5 hours is enough time to have a whole other side business.

Okay, let me not get distracted…


Where’s the balance in that?

What can we do to balance it? Cut back on work? Normally, that’s not an option, and for entrepreneurs and self-employed people, that means bankruptcy.

What is the Truth, Then?

The truth is that needing a separation of work and life means that you are misaligned.

Life gets harder each year. That is just the way life’s algorithm works. Over time, we have become specialized as humans, and that means that misalignment is even easier than before.

People often bring up the fact that burnout didn’t exist in the past…

But they leave out that the abundance of choice was significantly smaller. The limited options meant a simpler path.

But again, let’s not get distracted.

Passion and fulfillment are the only ways to sustain!

If you need a daily separation from the daily work you do, you probably need a more permanent separation from the work you do.

I was a victim of this for years. I was running my company by day and getting drunk and 420 high by night (dark turn, I know). It was a rough time for me and I was avoiding the truth.

I knew I didn’t like what I was doing, but I felt trapped to continue doing it.

I had built up this company from the ground up.

  • It had employees.

  • It had customers.

  • It had a reputation.

I couldn’t see a way out…

Until my battery ran out...

And the walls began closing in…

Then, a way out was all I could see.

I had lost my passion and had been running on E for a long time.

That’s when I decided to rush after my passion and my purpose:

Helping regular people build their businesses. Helping them avoid all the mistakes I made.

And here we are, full circle.

I love what I do, and I will go as hard as I can for as long as possible to do it.

It’s the only reason I can teach my fiancee copywriting in the middle of making this episode, and I still have the energy to finish this up before 12 AM!

Thanks for reading!


I’m meeting with a few people next week about maybe working together. Just a reminder, there’s only ONE slot left this month (and next) for anyone looking to scale their online business.

If you are interested, reply “scale,” and we’ll hop on a free strategy call to see if we are a good fit.

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Boysie Talks Business
Boysie Talks Business Podcast
This is a daily newsletter dedicated to easy, efficient entrepreneurship. It offers advice from me, an ex-CEO who scaled a company from $67k to $400k MMR the hard way.